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Happy International Women's Day 2016!

Happy International Women's Day to all my fellow ladies!!! WE FLAWLESS!
Today is so important and one of my favorite days of the year, because it is all about celebrating women and female empowerment. It is always a nice reminder for women everywhere, that we should always be helping and encouraging one another instead of tearing each other down. More young women should live out this quote, "Behind every successful woman is a tribe of other successful women who have her back." When women empower and support one another- incredible things happen!

Visit the official website for IWD, to find out different ways to celebrate the social, economic, cultural and political achievement of women. This year's official theme is Pledge for Parity. 

Be sure to use the official hashtag #IWD2016 if you are posting on social media today, to get it trending:) Also, be sure to go out and enjoy this beautiful day we're having with your mom, sisters, grandmas, aunts, cousins, or girlfriends! Celebrate one another and your uniqueness that makes you, YOU!

Here are a few of my favorite posts about women empowerment, perfect for today.. and every day!



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