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Showing posts from March, 2016

Time for Spring Cleaning!

Come on, you really thought I was that excited about the real kind of spring cleaning with the mops and dusters?! Get real, I'm talking about spring cleaning with all of the fabulous new bath products from LUSH Fresh Handmade Cosmetics! The products from their spring line are too cute to handle, and smell decadent as always! I came home from a mundane Monday at work, to find a huge box of LUSH surprises at my doorstep. When I opened up the box there was a huge colorful carrot inside along with a golden egg bath bomb melt, that smells good enough to eat, with scents of sweet caramel-chocolate! Gold, glitter, and chocolate- my top three favorite things:) Talk about an adorable spring awakening..The huge carrot was filled with the cutest bath goodies I have ever seen! The giant vibrant carrot was filled with the following: A Bunch Of Carrots Reusable Bubble Bar - citrus smelling bubbles fill your bath- what's fresher than that! A Fluffy Egg Bath Bomb - this bright candy

My Kawaii Weekend 💖✨

This weekend was really fun and super kawaii!!! I spent it being a tourist in my own city. I took my mom down to Chinatown to get foot massages for her birthday! We're both the year of the monkey and since this Chinese New Year is year of the monkey, why not go celebrate it together in Chinatown! We made it a fun day trip and just walked around exploring with no schedule or plans.  W e got amazing Chinese chocolate crepes and bubble tea, went to the Hello Kitty store- which was a pink HK heaven, and much more. My mom even was feeling adventurous and tried sushi for the first time& liked it! We got matching "year of the monkey" necklaces to remember our fun day. Here are some photos from our Chinatown adventures🎎             Then the next day we went to the H Mart in Upper Darby. The store is full of all sorts of Asian food and products! There were all sorts of Japanese candy, live crabs and fish, mochi, and so many more different foods.

Happy International Women's Day 2016!

Happy International Women's Day to all my fellow ladies!!! WE FLAWLESS! Today is so important and one of my favorite days of the year, because it is all about celebrating women and female empowerment. It is always a nice reminder for women everywhere, that we should always be helping and encouraging one another instead of tearing each other down. More young women should live out this quote, "Behind every successful woman is a tribe of other successful women who have her back." When women empower and support one another- incredible things happen! Visit the official website for IWD, to find out different ways to celebrate the social, economic, cultural and political achievement of women. This year's official theme is Pledge for Parity.   Be sure to use the official hashtag #IWD2016 if you are posting on social media today, to get it trending:) Also, be sure to go out and enjoy this beautiful day we're having with your mom, sisters, grandmas, aunts, cous

Get Bamboo-zled and Detoxified!

OMG I just got done with the most amazing spa the comfort of my own home! If you haven't heard of the brand CLARITY RX, you're missing out. Clarity Rx is a company that uses the latest in cosmetic technology to give you clear and beautiful skin in a healthy way. I tried the Get Clean Crushed Bamboo Exfoliator and it worked wonders on my face! After I washed my face, I used the exfoliator, and it scrubbed away all the dead skin cells and excess dirt my face wash left behind. I could actually see a visible difference after one use, which was awesome to see such quick results. My skin looked smooth and I felt fresh-faced; So much so that I wouldn't have minded going out makeup- free to show off the results! *Cue 1D's That's What Makes You Beautiful to start playing in the background* Next I used the Rehab-Mediterranean Detoxifying Mud Mask ...which was exactly what the doctor ordered on a night after raging with friends and having to get it

Top Drug Store Secrets to Glowing Skin!

Hi beauts, In cosmetics 101, it is taught that it all begins with your skin care. If you want your makeup to come out as flawless as Beyoncé, you need a clean healthy canvas to paint on. Also it is smart to be preventative with good skin scare regimes while your young, to prevent harsh aging effects on the skin!  I have been swearing by the Clinique 3 step system for a few years now. My skin is sensitive and combination, and after trying so many products, I finally found that Clinique makes my skin look best with barely any breakouts. I have expensive taste...but hey, soft skin too! Whenever I have any free time, there is a 99.9% chance I'm entrenched in different beauty and fashion websites or browsing through Pinterest. I came across various lists from big name beauty magazines for the top drug store skin care products. Since I recently ran out of my Clinique system, I figured I should give some drug store products a try just to see what the latest and greatest are. Who know